



In the 2025 Cambridge China Education Forum, we are privileged to convene an esteemed group of scholars from the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge. These distinguished experts bring to the forum their remarkable academic prowess and practical contributions indiverse disciplines, including education, psychology, and cognitive science,and more. The following provides a succinct overview of our advisory team's members from University of Cambridge:



Dr. Tyler Denmead

剑桥大学教育学院的大学副教授, 剑桥大学皇后学院的院士、学院院长和教育学研究主任。他是《创造性下层阶级:青年、种族与正在绅士化的城市》的作者。他担任《剑桥教育杂志》的执行主编。他获得了多个教学奖项,包括在2023年被FindAPhD.com选为全国博士生导师年度最佳和在2019年被学生投票选为剑桥大学最佳讲师。他还曾是美国罗德岛州普罗维登斯新城市艺术的创始执行总监,这是一个为来自资源不足社区的新兴艺术家提供的全国公认的艺术工作室。

Dr. Tyler Denmead is a University Associate Professor in Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. He is also a Fellow, Dean of College, and Director of Studies in Education at Queens’ College, Cambridge. He is the author of The Creative Underclass: Youth, Race, and the Gentrifying City (Duke UniversityPress, 2019). He serves as the Executive Editor of the Cambridge Journal of Education. He has received several teaching awards including being selected National PhD Supervisor of the Year by in2023 and being voted by students as the Best Lecturer at the University ofCambridge in 2019. He also served as the founding executive director of New Urban Arts in Providence, Rhode Island USA, a nationally recognised arts studiofor emerging artists from under-resourced communities.



Prof. Rupert Wegerif

剑桥大学教育系教授,未来教育研究中心(Digital EducationFutures Initiative, DEFI)创立者与学术负责人,剑桥教育对话研究组(CambridgeEducational Dialogue Research, CEDiR)指导组成员。他在教育理论、教育心理学和教育技术领域发表了一系列有影响力的学术文章与著作,主要研究方向包括:数字教育、对话教育、计算机支持的协作学习、集体智慧、基于设计的研究等。他为互联网时代的教育提供了一种新途径:作为扩大对话空间的教育(education as expanding dialogic space)。

Rupert Wegerif is a Professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, Founder and Academic Director of the Digital Education Futures Initiative (DEFI), Member of the Steering Group of Cambridge Educational Dialogue Research (CEDiR). He has published manyinfluential academic articles and books in the fields of educational theory, educational psychology, and educational technology. His research interestsinclude digital education, dialogic education, computer-supported collaborative learning, collective intelligence, and design-based research. He offers a new approach to education in the Internet age: education as expanding dialogic space.



Dr. Morag Morrison-Helme


Morag has been working in the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge since 2002. She supervises and lectures on undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses in Teacher Education, Drama, Creativity and Arts Education.

Morag has taught Drama and Applied Theatre across a range of settings in Australia, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Kazakhstan and China. Her research interests lie in the conceptual area of experiential and embodied learning linked to pedagogic praxis and transformative learning. Morag has been involved in ongoing research in Conflict Management, Pupil Voice and Democratic Teaching and Learning through Applied Theatre. She has developed a number of research projects, including an exploration of the role peer teaching may be able to play in re-engaging disaffected girls and conflict education through Drama. Morag's most recent teaching and research activities have been linked to transformative learning in a wide range of Professional Development contexts, including pre-service Secondary Teacher Education in the UK, a major programme of teacher reform in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursing Education in Sweden and most recently English Second Language Teacher Education in China, where she is exploring how Drama pedagogy may support Second language acquisition.



Dr. Steven Watson

Dr. Steven Watson是剑桥大学教育学院的副教授。他还是 Glenlead Centre 的教育研究主管、Steven Watson 学术咨询公司的负责人以及北京师范大学的外籍专家。此外,他还担任《Cambridge Journal of Education》的副执行主编。Steven 的研究主要集中在教师的专业发展、社交媒体的作用以及民粹主义和科学对英格兰和澳大利亚教育政策的影响。最近,他进一步的研究重点是人工智能和 ChatGPT 在教育中的整合。

Dr. Steven Watson is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. He is also the Director of Education Research at the Glenlead Centre, the founder of Steven Watson Academic Consulting, and a foreign expert at Beijing Normal University. In addition, he serves as the Deputy Executive Editor of the Cambridge Journal of Education. Steven’s research primarily focuses on professional development for teachers, the role of social media, and the impact of populism and science on education policy in England and Australia. Recently, his further research has centered on the integration of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT in education.