1. 艺术教育作为学科的实践、诠释和批判
REVIEWING Art Education: The practice, interpretation and critiques of art education as a subject
This panel aims to provide a platform for those who review, practice and engage in different formats of art education, allowing the performers of art education, and their peers, to critically reflect and rethink the status of education and art education. It collects creative and inventive interpretation of research-based analysis on art education, and have the good hope to promote and show the potential of current, even future artistic design and image of educational art, pedagogies and technologies, most importantly, with its in-context issues.
2. 先锋的创意形式中实施的艺术教育
DOING Art Education: practices and experiments across a diverse range of apparatus and areas
This panel accepts art, education, formats across abroad diversity, including community arts schools, art administration, art, museum, art therapy, and other disciplinary, and interdisciplinary approaches that are relevant to art and cultural education. Doing our education there are unlimited means of making imagining and defying our education in different identities and educational context, and this panel provides a platform for endeavors, educational practices and activities to present their experiences.
3. 文学中的多样性表达
Diversity and Inclusion in Literature
Literature serves as a medium of language and narrative, capturing and conveying human experiences and emotions. Stories from diverse cultures, identities, and values vividly illustrate societal complexity and inclusivity. Submissions under this subtheme may explore how literature expresses diversity, its potential to transcend singular narratives, and the resonance and tension arising from diversity.
4. 时代影响的语言学习与教育
The Impact of the Times on Language Learning and Education
The development of the times has profoundly influenced language learning and related educational research. Today, language learning is no longer just about mastering vocabulary and grammar but also about understanding cultural contexts and social interactions through practice. Tools such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, and gamified platforms are reshaping language learning, enhancing linguistic proficiency, improving pragmatic fluency, and creating immersive dialogue experiences. Submissions under this subtheme may explore topics such as language learning, digital literacy, the role of technology in supporting interpersonal communication and cross-cultural exchange, collaborative language learning experiences, as well as issues of accessibility, equity, and ethics in language education.
Technology-Driven Educational Innovation and Transformation
Technology-driven innovation is profoundly reshaping the traditional paradigms of teaching and learning. The integration of technologies and practices such as big data, artificial intelligence, cloud services, the Internet of Things, and virtual and augmented reality provides unprecedented support for learner-centred education. It fosters innovation and transformation across various dimensions, including personalised learning, teacher professional development, educational management and governance, and evidence-based educational research. These advancements contribute to the construction of a lifelong learning system and an open, collaborative educational ecosystem.
Ethics and Policies of Education Technology in a Globalised Context
Amid the tide of globalisation, the rapid development of educational technology has created new opportunities for cross-border educational collaboration and resource sharing. However, it has also introduced ethical challenges such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and technological equity. In the globalised context, policymakers must balance technological innovation with fairness and ethical considerations, taking into account educational principles and national needs. This requires the establishment of international policy frameworks and collaborative mechanisms to address these emerging issues effectively.
Comparative Philosophy of Education from a Cross-Cultural Perspective
在全球化的时代,中国教育不仅面临充分吸收外来教育理念的挑战,也需要在传承本土教育哲学、保持文化自主性方面做出积极探索。本主题鼓励从跨文化比较视角切入,深入分析教育现象的跨文化差异与背后的教育哲学问题的相关研究。具体研究方向包括但不限于: 对中西方教育思想、教育史、教育理念与制度、教学法、课堂学习、教育评估等领域进行对比研究等。
In the era of globalization, Chinese education faces the dual challenge of accepting foreign educational concepts while actively exploring the inheritance of indigenous educational philosophies and maintaining cultural autonomy. In this theme we encourage relevant studies adopting a cross-cultural comparative perspective to analyze the cross-cultural differences in educational phenomena and the underlying philosophical issues. The specific research topics include, but are not limited to, comparative studies on Chinese and Western educational thoughts, the history of education, educational philosophies and systems, teaching methodologies, classroom learning, and educational assessment.
8. 重塑变革时代下的教育哲学
Reconstructing Philosophy of Education in an Evolving Era
In an era of rapid change, emerging technologies continue to evolve, societal values are undergoing diverse and rapid transformations, and the global political landscape is marked by ongoing tensions between multipolarity and regionalisation. Amid these intersecting influences, this theme focuses on the historical legacy and contemporary transformation of educational forms, exploring in depth the impact of major shifts on traditional educational philosophies and academic paradigms. Submissions that incorporate interdisciplinary perspectives are encouraged, as they not only offer innovative approaches to the theoretical construction of educational philosophy but also inspire more creative and practical solutions. Research areas include but are not limited to: the transformation of educational philosophy under the influence of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence; the impact of geopolitical dynamics on educational philosophy and practice; and the philosophical analysis of social policies and major reforms in the field of education.