General Questions


Q: 会议地点在哪?

A: 会议主会场位于剑桥大学教育系,地址: Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, 184 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PQ, UK

Q: 我可以如何到达剑桥及会议地点?

A: 到达英国后,建议下载谷歌地图Google Map,搜索前往剑桥教育系的公共交通。

[Information about Cambridge]

Q: Where is the conference venue?

A: The main venue is at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, located at 184 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PQ, UK.

Q: How can I get to Cambridge and the conference venue?

A: Upon arriving in the UK, we recommend you download the Google Maps App and search for public transportation directions to the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.


Q: 我该提前多久申请英国签证?

A: 因暑期签证申请数量增加,请在确认出席后尽早向英国大使馆提交签证申请。

[Visa Application]

Q: How far in advance should I apply for a UK visa?

A: Due to increased summer visa applications, please apply for a visa at the local UK Embassy as soon as possible after confirming your attendance.


Q: 如果我在剑桥参会期间需要医疗服务怎么办?


[Insurance Arrangements]

Q: What should I do if I need medical services during my stay in Cambridge?

A: There are free NHS medical facilities available locally in the UK. It requires you to book a travel insurance when applying for your passport.