微信公众号: CCEForum
小红书:CCEF 剑桥中国教育论坛
LinkedIn: Cambridge China Education Forum
Twitter/X: @ForumCambridge
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WeChat public account: CCEForum
Rednote: CCEF 剑桥中国教育论坛
LinkedIn: Cambridge China Education Forum
Twitter/X: @ForumCambridge
Location: Faculty of Education,University of Cambridge
Address: 184 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 8PQ
Google Maps Link:Google Maps
位置: 剑桥大学教育学院
地址: 英国剑桥市Hills Road 184号, 邮编CB2 8PQ
谷歌地图链接: Google Maps
Recommended Commute Routes from Cambridge Train Station:
Walking: A direct 15-minute walk.
Bus Options:
Bus 1/7/13: Stop at Hills Road Sixth Form College, followed by a 4-minute walk.
Bus 3: Stop at Clifton Road, followed by a 6-minute walk.
Taxi/Uber: Available directly outside the station in the parking lot.
· 步行: 全程约15分钟。
· 公交选项:
o 公交1/7/13: 在Hills Road Sixth Form College站下车,然后步行约4分钟。
o 公交3: 在Clifton Road站下车,然后步行约6分钟。
· 出租车/优步: 可在火车站外的停车场直接搭乘。