青年学者论坛旨在为年轻研究者提供一个分享学术经验的平台 。通过十六个不同主题的青年学者论坛,这个分论坛将促进青年 学者之间的交流与合作, 以共同推动教育领域的发展。 Early Career Panel provides a platform for young researchers to share their academic experiences, facilitating exchange and collaboration among young scholars to promote the development of the educational field. 本届论坛投稿已结束 The submission period for this year's forum has ended. 注意:第二轮审稿结果日期有所调整,我们会在2024年6月10日之前陆续发送结果。 Note. There is a change in schedule regarding the review process for the second round of submissions. The timing for the review and notification of the second round of submissions has been adjusted. We will notify the results progressively before June 10th 2024. 即日起,2024剑桥中国教育论坛青年学者分论坛开放摘要征集。此次征稿面向全球各高校及单位的本硕博学生以及博士毕业的青年学者和教育工作者。 The call for abstract submissions is now openfor the Early-Career Researcher Forum of the 2024 Cambridge China Education Forum. This call for papers is directed towards undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students, and early-career researchers completing their doctoral studies, from educational institutions and entities worldwide as well. 在今年论坛的主题背景下,青年学者论坛将聚焦于以下16个研究话题。您可以根据研究兴趣和投稿摘要的具体内容,投选最适合的两个话题。 Within the contextof this year's forum theme, the Early-Career Researcher Forum will focus on thefollowing 16 research topics. Participants are encouraged to choose the twotopics that best align with their research interests and the specific contentof their abstracts. 1. 复制链接至浏览器进入报名表; 2. 在报名表中填写个人信息(姓名、联系方式、所属单位等;如有多名作者,请全部填写); 3. 在相应区域附上标题和摘要。摘要需以英文书写,字数上限为250个英文单词,并列出3-5个关键词总结摘要内容; 4. 选择以15分钟口头演讲或海报宣讲的形式介绍您的研究。
1. Copy this link to your browser (or click "ReadOriginal" at the bottom of the tweet) to access the registration form. 2. Fill in personal information in the registration form(name, contacts, affiliated institution, etc.; if there are multiple authors,please provide information for all). 3. In the designated area, provide the title and abstract.The abstract should be written in English, with a maximum of 250 English words,and include 3-5 keywords summarizing the content. 4. Choose to present your research in either a 15-minuteoral presentation or a poster presentation. *以下是一个关于“摘要书写结构”的样例,请大家参照撰写投稿。(图片来源:https://thesislink.aut.ac.nz/?p=6446) Here is an example of the "Abstract Writing Structure" for your reference. Please use it as a guide when preparing your submission. (Image source: https://thesislink.aut.ac.nz/?p=6446) *您所提交的摘要将由专业学术团队进行匿名审议。审议标准主要依据为学术水平、独创性以及与本届论坛主题的契合度。摘要一经录用,我方会与投稿者联系安排注册及演讲宣读相关事宜。本次摘要征集将采用两轮录取的形式,由于本届论坛将于线下举办,如需办理签证的参会者建议在第一轮提交摘要,以便留出足够时间办理签证。 The abstract you submit will undergo anonymous review by a professional academic team. The review criteria primarily consider academic proficiency, originality, and alignment with the theme of this forum. Once an abstract is accepted, we will contact the author to arrange matters related to registration and presentation. The abstract submission process will follow a two-round acceptance process. As this forum will be held in person and due to limited slots, participants who need to apply for a visa are advised to submit their abstracts in the first round to allow sufficient time for visa processing. 摘要评估标准 Evaluation Criteria for Abstracts 为确保评审工作达到最高标准,提交给CCEF的每一份摘要将根据以下标准进行评估。每个标准的分数范围为1至10分,1分为最低,10分为最高。 To ensure the highest standards of review, each abstract submitted to CCEF will be assessed based on the following criteria. Each criterion is scored from 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest. 相关性:论文主题与CCEF核心主题的关联度如何? Relevance: How well does the topic relate to the core themes of the CCEF? 清晰度:研究问题或探究焦点是否表述清楚? Clarity: Are the research questions or the focus of inquiry clearly stated? 适当性:选择的研究方法和文献使用是否适合本研究? Appropriateness: Are the chosen research methods and literature used suitable for the study? 坚实性:所呈现的分析或理论框架的强度和连贯性如何? Robustness: How strong and coherent is the analytical or theoretical framework presented? 意义:研究对教育实践、政策或理论有何贡献? Significance: What is the contribution of the research to educational practice, policy, or theory? 研究发现的创新性:研究发现是否提供了新的见解或在现有知识基础上作出了重大贡献? Originality of Findings: Do the research findings offer new insights or add substantially to existing knowledge? 总体质量:综合考虑创新性、深度和严谨性,这项研究是否值得在论坛上展示? Overall Quality: Overall, does the research merit presentation at the forum based on its innovation, depth, and rigor? 请您关注重要时间节点,以免错过投稿。不论您是否入围,我们都会以邮件的形式通知您结果,届时请耐心等待。 Please pay attentionto important deadlines to avoid missing the submission. We will notify you of the outcome via email whether your submission is accepted or not. Kindly be patient and await further communication from us. 有关摘要提交的任何问询,请发送邮件至ccef@educ.cam.ac.uk 更多有关本届论坛的详情,请关注剑桥中国教育论坛微信公众号:CCEForum Pleaseemail camccef@gmail.com for any inquiries regarding abstractsubmissions, Pleasefollow, CCEForum, the Cambridge China Education Forum WeChatofficial account for more details about this forum. |